Driver Download


Driver Application Manual
Download of the latest driver

For Windows
For Machintosh

Windows version

Newest Driver M2 Driver Ver4.0.0.17 DriverV40017.exe(314,141bytes)
Specify the place where the driver is opened when asked "the place of a driver.".
How to
This file is a self- extracting file. Copy this file to an appropriate place on the hard disk, and then double-click. Some driver files will appear. Please install the driver with reference to the "Driver Update Manual" shown below.

Driver Update Manual
Windows 98SE(239KB PDF file) Windows 98ME(126KB PDF file)
Windows 2000 (553KB PDF file) Windows XP (467KB PDF file)
Cautions: Specify the place where the driver is opened when asked "the place of a driver".

For viewing PDF files, you may download Adobe's "Adobe Reader" from free of charge.

How to determine whether the version of the current driver is installed.
You may find the version from the description on the CD-ROM.
Or when using the Windows 98 series,
(1) With the USB Microscope connected to the PC, click My Computer >> Control Panel >> System.
(2) Click the System folder. Then click the "Device Manager" tab. All of the devices are now listed.  
(3) Double-click "Imaging device" from the list given. Scalar USB Shot and the driver are displayed.
(4) Double-click ScalarUSB Shot. Then click the driver.
(5) Click the "Detail" button of the driver file. Drivers are listed.
(6) From the list, select a file
from the list displays.
(7) The version number is displayed on the right side of the version.
Or when using Windows 2000
(1) When the USB Microscope is connected to the PC, Click
My computer >> Control panel >>  System.

Click the Device manager after clicking the hardware tab in System. Drivers are listed; from the list, click Imaging device.

(3) Double-click Imaging device. Scalar USB Shot is displayed.
(4) Double-click Scalar USB Shot. Then click the Driver tab.
(5) Click the Driver File Details button. Drivers are listed.
(6) Select a file C:¥WINNT¥System32¥drivers¥pcam.sys from the list displays.
(7) The version number is displayed on the right-hand side of the version.

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Update history of driver
1. Ver.R2.20
Update date
Jan18, 2001
The ver.2.20 driver is in the initial CD-ROM version (Ver.1.22). The corresponding Application software version described on the CD-ROM is Ver.1.23 Ver.1.22, 1.24
Fault with AutoExposure. The value of color tone adjusted manually is not preserved.

2. Ver.R3.0.0.9

Update date
June 5, 2001
Bugs Fixed
Bugs on Version.R2.20 are fixed. The value of color tone is preserved. The corresponding Application software version described on the CD-ROM is Ver.1.25.
The LOGO of color adjustment dialog (on the Property page) states Divio instead of Scalar.
3. Ver.
Update date
June 13, 2001
Buds Fixed
The LOGO of the color adjustment dialog (on the Property page) is changed to Scalar. The corresponding Application software version described on the CD-ROM is Ver. 1.26 and 1.27.
4. Ver.
Update date
Dec 21, 2001
Supported Windows XP
5. Ver.
Update date
Mar. 29, 2002
Bug Fixed.

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Macintosh version

Driver M2 Driver Ver1.0.2s6 DRIVER.HQX
Driver for OS X M2 Driver Driver.sit

Update manual for the driver

Manual for Mac (319,807bytes PDF file)

(Please drag the "Scalar USB Micro 1.0" into the "Extensions" folder in the System folder.)

Update manual for OS X

Manual for Mac
To check the version of a driver and application software installed, click on the icon (or Alias) of the driver or application, and click on the - File menu above, and click on "Get Info.".

For viewing PDF files, you may download Adobe's "Adobe Reader" from free of charge.